Understanding the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet is crucial for overall health, but its
impact on spinal health is often underestimated. For those grappling with spine-related issues,
adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can play a pivotal role in
preventing problems and fostering healing. The spine, composed of bones, muscles, and various
structures, requires adequate nutrition to maintain its strength and functionality.

Nutritional Choices for Spinal Wellness

A well-rounded diet, rich in essential vitamins and nutrients, can significantly reduce back problems
by nourishing the spine’s components. While a diverse array of vitamins and nutrients is essential,
here are some key dietary components directly beneficial for back health:

Calcium: Essential for bone health, calcium helps in maintaining bone mass and preventing
osteoporosis. Found in dairy products, leafy greens, legumes, and certain fish, calcium must be
balanced with other nutrients for optimal bone strength.

Iron: Important for collagen production and oxygen transport, iron supports the tissues surrounding
the spine. Sources include meats, green vegetables, lentils, beans, and whole grains.

Magnesium: A critical mineral for bone matrix structure, magnesium aids in maintaining bone
density and muscle function. Common sources include leafy greens, fish, beans, seeds, nuts, and
certain fruits.

Proteins: Fundamental for body structure, proteins are crucial for healing and repairing bones,
cartilage, and soft tissues.
Vitamins: Essential vitamins like B12, C, D3, and K2 play significant roles in bone formation, collagen
synthesis, calcium absorption, and bone metabolism. They can be found in animal proteins, fruits,
vegetables, and fortified foods.

Exercise: A Spinal Health Ally

Alongside nutrition, exercise plays a vital role in spinal health. Regular physical activity strengthens
the muscles supporting the spine improve flexibility and reduce the risk of back pain and other
spinal problems.

spinal health

ANSSI Wellness: A Beacon of Spinal Health

At ANSSI Wellness, our commitment to spinal health extends beyond traditional treatment methods.
We recognize the integral role of nutrition and exercise in maintaining a healthy spine. Our team of
experienced spine specialists utilizes a holistic approach, including the American non-surgical spinal
decompression technique, to treat various spine ailments.

With a track record of helping over 5,000 patients overcome back pain, ANSSI Wellness is dedicated
to providing the best possible care. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and
tools to maintain their spinal health through diet, exercise, and innovative treatment methods.
Our approach is not just about treating symptoms but about fostering a lifestyle conducive to spinal
wellness. Join us at ANSSI Wellness, and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free back.

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Understanding Lower Back Pain: Unveiling the Mystery of Lumbago

Is it possible for nonsurgical spinal decompression technology to alleviate muscle strain?

Understanding Obesity And Spine Care

Obesity and Spine Care

Hello, my name is Mahima Khandelwal, I am a physiotherapist at Anssi Wellness Center. today I am going to be talking about Obesity and Spinecare. Obesity is a condition in which a person has a high amount of body fat. It is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher

obesity and spine care

Body Mass Index

 Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height & weight. obesity is a major health risk factor for a number of diseases & conditions including spinal problems. This is because excess weight puts excess weight on the spine leading to pain, inflammation & degeneration.

Obese people are more like to develop certain spine conditions, such as intervertibral disc degeneration. this is a condition in which the discs that cushion the vertebrae in the spine break down over time, this can lead to pain, numbness & weakness.

Spinal Stenosis

spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal which can put pressure on the spinal cord & nerves, this can lead to pain, numbness & weakness in the legs & feet. Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one vertebra slips out of place over another, this can lead to pain, numbness & weakness in the back & legs.

Facet joint syndrome

facet joint syndrome is the arthritis of the facet joints, which are the small joints that connect the vertebrae. in addition to increasing the risk of spinal problems obesity can also make it more difficult to treat these conditions, for example,  obsessed people may have more difficulty losing weight after spinal surgery, which can slow down the healing process, so in order to reduce the risk of developing these conditions & to improve the outcome of the treatment. it is important to manage obesity in spinal problems.

Now what can obsessed patients do to protect their spine? the best way to protect your spine is to maintain a healthy weight, if you are obsessed, losing even a small amount of weight can make a big difference | Obesity and Spine Care

 In addition to losing weight, there are a number of things that you can do to protect your spine. Such as

1- Maintain good posture, stand & sit up straight with your shoulders back & your head held high,

2- Avoid lifting objects, if you must lift something heavy, bend at the knees and keep your back straight.

3- Eat a healthy diet that is low in processed food and high in fruits vegetables & whole grains.

4- Exercise regularly, as exercise helps to strengthen the muscles that support the spine.

5- Use of supportive mattresses and pillows your mattresses & pillows should provide good support to your spine & neck. Thank you

You May Also Like To Read Lower Back Pain Top 5 Risk Factors: Navigating the Landscape

Understanding Lower Back Pain: Unveiling the Mystery of Lumbago


Cervical spondylosis, also known as neck arthritis, is a common age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck. In this condition, the person experiences degeneration of the cervical spine that causes pain, stiffness, and discomfort in the neck and the shoulder. The condition can be managed with the help of the appropriate cervical spondylosis treatment. 
Other than the help from your healthcare provider for cervical spondylosis treatment, you can incorporate some exercise into your daily routine that can contribute significantly to managing and improving the situation. If you want to know about the exercises, keep reading this post. Here, we have added the top 5 exercises to help you with cervical spondylosis treatment to alleviate your system and facilitate a faster recovery.

Best 5 Exercises For Cervical Spondylosis

  1. Neck Tilts

It is an easy exercise to do while sitting on a chair. All you have to do is find a comfortable chair where you can keep your neck and back straight. Tilt your neck slowly towards your right shoulder, leading with the ear. Slightly stretch your neck muscles until you can handle the pain. Hold in that position for 10 to 15 seconds, then return to the center. Now, repeat the same on the other side and repeat the sets 2-4 times. It helps improve neck muscle flexibility and reduce stiffness.

  1. Neck Retractions

Start this exercise by maintaining a straight posture, with your spine uncrossed, while sitting or standing. Create a double chin by tucking your chin towards your chest very gently. You will feel a stretch at the back of your neck.  Stay in the position for approximately 5-10 seconds to feel the muscle stretch. Repeat the same posture 10-15 times to strengthen the back muscles of your neck.

  1. Shoulder Blade Squeeze

To perform this exercise, you will need an armless chair or stool to sit and maintain good posture. Now, squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you are trying to hold a pencil between them. Stay in that squeeze position for approximately 10–15 seconds, then relax your muscles. Repeat the same exercise 10-15 times to relieve tension in the neck and maintain good posture. 

  1. Neck Rotation

It is a very simple exercise, as the name suggests, but it is crucial to perform this exercise with proper posture to avoid injury. To begin with, sit or stand while keeping your spine straight to maintain good posture. Slowly rotate your head to one side while looking at your shoulder and feeling stretched. Repeat the same on the other side while holding the position for 15-30 seconds. Perform 5-10 sets on each side to improve your neck’s flexibility and range of motion. 

  1. Cervical Isometrics

This exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles by contracting them without moving the joints. To perform this exercise, sit or stand in a straight position, place one hand on the side of your head, and attempt to turn your head to the side against the resistance of your hand. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds, and repeat the same on the other side.


While performing any exercise during cervical spondylosis treatment, always take guidance from your healthcare provider. If things become more serious, contact the experts at renowned wellness centers, like ANSSI Wellness, who will help you overcome your spondylosis with their 100% non-surgical treatment. 

You may also like to read Lower Back Pain Top 5 Risk Factors: Navigating the Landscape

Chronic Lower Back Pain

One of the most common health concerns affecting millions of people
these days is the problem of lower back pain. Sometimes, picking up an
object causes immediate pain in the lower back. It is when you know the
exact reason for your sudden back pain, but sometimes it feels like a
Have you ever experienced lower back pain? It can be painful and even
exhausting at times. Let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore some
common reasons why it occurs.

What Is Lower Back Pain?

Also known as lumbar pain, is a common medical
condition that causes discomfort or pain in the lower part of the spine,
especially in the lumbar region. This region consists of five vertebrae, L1-L5,
located between the thoracic spine (mid back) and the sacral spine
(pelvis). The intensity of pain can vary from mild to life–

Common Reasons for Sudden And Chronic Lower
Back Pain

Some of the common triggers for lower back pain are:

  1. Muscle Strain and Ligament Sprain
    It is one of the primary reasons for lower back pain. It often occurs due to
    overexertion or sudden, forceful movements that put excessive stress on
    the muscles and ligaments in the lower back. For example, if you engage
    in activities such as heavy lifting that require a significant amount of force,
    it can cause strain in the muscles and ligament sprains.
  2. Sedentary Lifestyle
    A sedentary lifestyle is a major contributor to the cause of back pain.
    In this modern work environment, where people spend most of their time
    sitting or doing no physical activity, they suffer from back pain issues.

Spending most of the time sitting leads to the weakening of core muscles
and compromised spinal health.

  1. Obesity
    A sedentary lifestyle often causes excessive weight gain and obesity. The
    lower back may experience pain and discomfort due to pressure from the
    excess body fat surrounding the abdomen. It can also weaken the core
    muscles that support the spine, contributing to lower back discomfort.
  2. Sciatica
    Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that occurs due to an injury or irritation of
    the sciatic nerve. When the nerve is pinched or inflamed, it can cause
    severe back pain that travels down the buttocks and into the legs.
    Herniated discs and bone spurs are common causes of sciatica.
  3. Spinal Stenosis
    Spinal stenosis is a medical condition that occurs when the spinal canal
    narrows, causing pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. It occurs
    when the space within the backbone is too small. This narrowing can put
    pressure on the nerves within the spine. It most commonly occurs in the
    lower back (lumbar stenosis) or neck (cervical stenosis).


Lower back pain is a prevalent issue affecting people at various stages of
their lives. Fortunately, it can be treated with 100% non-surgical treatment
without medicines or injections. Patients can receive non-surgical
treatment from organizations like ANSSI Wellness, which has no side
effects and a quicker recovery time, allowing individuals to regain their
mobility and improve their quality of life.

lower back pain

Risk Factors for Lower Back Pain: Navigating the Landscape

The ubiquitous companion of modern life, often arrives unannounced. As we navigate the complexities of daily routines, various factors can conspire to make our lower backs vulnerable to discomfort. In exploring risk factors for lower back pain, we’ll shed light on demographic influences, sedentary lifestyles, and occupational hazards. Along the way, we’ll introduce ANSSI’s innovative solutions changing how we approach this common ailment.

Age and Gender: Silent Contributors

Demographic factors play a pivotal role in the prevalence of lower back pain. One of these is age. As we grow older, the wear and tear on our spinal structures become more pronounced. Conditions like arthritis and degenerative disc disease become more prevalent, and the risk of experiencing lower back pain increases. However, it’s essential to note that lower back pain isn’t solely reserved for the elderly. People of all ages can fall prey to its discomfort.

Gender, too, quietly influences the risk of lower back pain. Women, in particular, face a higher likelihood of experiencing lower back pain due to a combination of factors. Bone degeneration with age, pregnancy, structural differences between men and women, and hormonal variations can all contribute to this gender disparity. This underscores the importance of gender-sensitive approaches to addressing lower back pain.

Sedentary Lifestyles: The Silent Aggressor

The modern world is designed for convenience, but it often comes at the cost of our health, particularly our lower backs. Sedentary lifestyles, characterized by extended periods of sitting or inactivity, are a prominent risk factor for lower back pain. Our bodies are not designed to be stationary for extended durations, and the toll on our spines can be significant.

Sitting at desks for hours or reclining on the couch while binge-watching television may seem harmless, but they contribute to weakened lower back muscles and increased pressure on spinal structures, Hence Contributes to Lower Back Pain Lack of regular physical activity further compounds the issue, as weakened muscles cannot adequately support the spine, making it more susceptible to injury.

Occupational Hazards: The Unseen Peril

Occupational hazards are another silent contributor to the epidemic of lower back pain. Jobs that involve prolonged periods of sitting, repetitive movements, or heavy lifting can exact a toll on the lower back. Professions that require heavy lifting, such as construction work or nursing, pose a higher risk of lower back strain and injury.

Moreover, jobs that demand awkward postures or repetitive motions, like assembly line work or data entry, can lead to musculoskeletal imbalances that may eventually result in lower back pain. The ergonomic design of workspaces plays a crucial role in mitigating risk of Lower Back Pain, emphasising the importance of ergonomics in modern workplaces.

ANSSI: Transforming the Narrative

ANSSI emerges as a beacon of hope in the landscape of Recognizing that lower back pain can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds, ANSSI offers innovative solutions that cater to the diverse needs of its patients. With a commitment to non-surgical treatments, ANSSI empowers individuals to take charge of their lower back Pain health.

ANSSI’s patented non-surgical treatments, including spinal decompression technology, offer a path to relief without the drawbacks of invasive surgeries or medication dependency. By gently stretching the spine and relieving pressure, these treatments address the root causes of lower back pain, providing lasting relief.

Paving the Way to a Pain-Free Future

ANSSI emerges as a beacon of hope in the landscape of lower back pain. Recognising that

It is  becoming evident that this common ailment affects us all, directly or indirectly. Demographics, sedentary lifestyles, and occupational hazards form the backdrop against which lower back pain thrives. However, this is a narrative that can be rewritten.

With its commitment to non-surgical solutions, ANSSI is transforming how we approach lower back pain. By empowering individuals to make proactive choices and seek innovative treatments, ANSSI is paving the way to a future where lower back pain is not a burden but a conquered challenge. It’s a future where we all stand tall, free from the silent grip of lower back pain.

lower back pain can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds, ANSSI offers innovative solutions that cater to the diverse needs of its patients. With a commitment to non-surgical treatments, ANSSI empowers individuals to take charge of their lower back health.

ANSSI’s patented non-surgical treatments, including spinal decompression technology, offer a path to relief without the drawbacks of invasive surgeries or medication dependency. By gently stretching the spine and relieving pressure, these treatments address the root causes of lower back pain, providing lasting relief.


In this blog, we discuss lower back pain, its symptoms, causes, and ANSSI’s non-surgical treatments for relief. 

lower back pain

Understanding Lower Back Pain: Unveiling the Mystery of Lumbago

Lower back pain, or lumbago, is a widespread concern that touches the lives of millions across the globe. From mild, sporadic discomfort to debilitating, chronic agony, it’s a condition that has earned its place in the realm of common health issues. To navigate this topic effectively, we must embark on a journey deep within our anatomy, exploring the intricate structures that constitute the lower back and the factors contributing to this prevalent ailment.

The Ubiquitous Lumbago

Lumbago, the medical term for lower back pain, is an umbrella that covers an extensive range of discomfort experienced in the lower portion of the spine. It’s a condition that knows no boundaries, affecting individuals of all ages and walks of life. It’s not just an ailment; it’s an experience shared by many.

The Spectrum of Pain

Lower back pain is no one-size-fits-all matter. It exists on a spectrum, varying from mild and occasional to severe and persistent. At its mildest, it may manifest as a dull ache after a long day of activity, while at its most severe, it can become a constant, crippling presence, limiting one’s ability to perform even the most mundane tasks. This variability in presentation underscores the complexity of this condition.

The Backbone of Understanding: Anatomy

To comprehend the intricacies of lower back pain, we must first delve into the anatomy of the lower back. At the core of this region lies the lumbar spine, a robust structure composed of five vertebrae (L1 to L5). These vertebrae bear the weight of the upper body and facilitate various movements, including bending, twisting, and lifting.

Discs: Cushions of Support

Between each pair of lumbar vertebrae lies a cushioning structure known as an intervertebral disc. These discs serve as shock absorbers, absorbing the stresses and strains imposed on the spine during daily activities. Over time, they can wear down or become damaged, leading to pain and discomfort.

Muscles and Ligaments: Stability and Mobility

The lower back is enveloped by a network of muscles and ligaments that provide stability and enable mobility. These muscles support the spine, allowing us to stand, sit, and move with ease. However, when these muscles are strained or injured, they can become a source of pain.

Nerves: The Messengers of Sensation

Nerves originating from the spinal cord travel through the lower back to various parts of the body. When these nerves are irritated or compressed due to structural issues, they can transmit signals of pain, tingling, or numbness.

Facet Joints: Articulating Surfaces

Facet joints, located between adjacent vertebrae, enable the spine to flex and extend. These joints can degenerate over time, contributing to lower back pain, particularly with movement.

The Multifaceted Origins

Lower back pain doesn’t discriminate; it arises from a multitude of causes. Understanding the underlying factors is key to effective management. Common culprits include poor posture, muscle strain, herniated discs, and underlying medical conditions. Lifestyle choices such as a sedentary routine, obesity, and lack of exercise can further exacerbate these issues.

In the intricate tapestry of our bodies, the lower back plays a pivotal role. It is a hub of support, movement, and sensation. Lower back pain, as diverse as it is, stems from various sources, and understanding its origins is the first step toward relief. Whether you’re dealing with a mild, occasional ache or enduring the challenges of chronic pain, knowledge is your ally in this journey. Stay tuned for more insights into this widespread condition and how to navigate it effectively.

ANSSI’s patented non-surgical treatments, including spinal decompression technology, offer a path to relief without the drawbacks of invasive surgeries or medication dependency. By gently stretching the spine and relieving pressure, these treatments address the root causes of lower back pain, providing lasting relief. Book an appointment to know more about the treatment.

Click Here to Book Appointment


Is it possible for nonsurgical spinal decompression technology to alleviate muscle strain?

Is it possible for nonsurgical spinal decompression technology to alleviate muscle strain?

Despite the fact that injuries and complications associated with various sports vary, muscle strains are by far the most common sports-related injury. The most common cause of muscle strain, also known as muscle tear or a pulled muscle, is a sudden pressure that causes a muscle to be stretched beyond its normal range. Due to the rapid acceleration and deceleration of these muscles, the lower back, hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius muscles are most susceptible to strain.

Muscle strain can be treated with a variety of methods that aid in pain, swelling, and full recovery. One such technology is nonsurgical spinal decompression, which your chiropractor will recommend based on your specific requirements. In this blog, we will talk about muscle strain and how non-surgical spinal decompression technology can treat this condition.

What is a muscle strain?

When a muscle or tendon is stretched too far or torn, it’s called a strain. It’s also known as a “pulled muscle.” It could cause anything from mild discomfort to severe pain and make daily life difficult. Muscle strain can range from mild to severe in severity. Pain, swelling, stiffness, a limited range of motion, and bruising are all possible signs. They are categorized according to their severity:

  • Grade 1 strain: The symptoms might not show up until the activity is finished. When muscles are stretched or contracted, there is no loss of strength or movement, but there may be a sensation of muscle tightness, cramps, or slight pain.
  • Grade 2 strain: When a muscle is stretched or contracted, there is immediate pain, swelling, decreased strength, and limited movement due to pain.
  • Grade 3 strain: This is a very serious injury. Pain that burns makes it impossible for an athlete to walk. A substantial lump of muscle tissue can be seen after the muscle has been completely torn. Pain, swelling, bruising, and complete loss of function occur immediately.

Why does muscle strain occur?

When a muscle stretches abruptly or more than usual, this is called an acute strain. The primary causes are as follows:

  • A chronic strain occurs when a muscle undergoes prolonged, repetitive movements from an occupation, sports, or other activity, such as rowing or tennis.
  • Slipping on ice or another slippery surface
  • Jumping, running or throwing

Risk factors include:

  • Muscle or joint fatigue
  • Extreme environmental conditions, such as icy or other slippery surfaces
  • Inadequate warm-up prior to physical activity
  • Lack of muscle conditioning able to sustain a given physical activity

Your doctor may want to use diagnostic imaging to get a clearer picture of your muscle condition and the root cause of your pain. Spinal decompression may be suggested, depending on the cause of your muscle strain.

How nonsurgical spinal decompression works

A spinal decompression session may take less than an hour, you can wear what you like, and you don’t need to take any medications. There is no pain and very little recovery time with this treatment. Additionally, it does not call for anesthesia.

For nonsurgical spinal decompression, you will lie face up or face down on a specialized table and rest your legs on a bar. Because the machine actually contributes to lengthening your spine, the actual spinal decompression you experience is gentle and slow. A doctor who is licensed to perform spinal decompression controls the machine, which also makes use of a computer to tailor your treatment.

The relief of pressure on your spine is the objective of spinal decompression. The pressure that has built up along your neck and back muscles is relieved as your spine lengthens, reducing pain and discomfort. Additionally, it may facilitate a more efficient flow of blood and nutrients through your spine, joints, muscles, and soft tissues. Your body may be able to heal itself more quickly and effectively with improved circulation. The healing process includes restoring a healthy flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the affected area so that you can experience long-term pain relief.

Wrapping up

Contact our ANSSI Wellness spinal decompression specialists if this sounds like a good option to you. You can talk to our team about your pain and receive a diagnosis and treatment plan that will provide you with safe, natural, and long-lasting pain relief.

Yes, in many cases, the bulging disc symptoms go away after a period of time.

MRI is the best diagnostic test to detect herniated & bulging discs.

Massage can provide short-term relief from chronic back pain caused by a bulging disc.


Are There Any Ways to Decompress Spine while Sleeping?

Are There Any Ways to Decompress Spine while Sleeping?

The quick answer to this question is ‘yes.’ Mostly when we are conscious, we keep our spinal posture vertically. Hence, our spine is put under pressure as a result of this constant struggle against gravity, which may result in the compression of our spine. Our spinal cord and the muscles that are connected to it may become overworked by this pressure.

When you sleep on your back, according to the American Chiropractic Association, you put about 50 pounds of pressure on your spine. Even though sitting at a desk for a long time or twisting while picking up a heavy object could be to blame, your mattress and sleeping position could also be to blame.

A specific method known as nonsurgical spinal decompression technology is used to move the spine to alleviate pressure on the spine which involves repeated stretching followed by decompression.

By doing this, you can easily get rid of pressure from the spinal discs, which are the gel-like intersections between the vertebrae. Any spine that may have been protruded will regain its position following this noninvasive decompression, freeing any nerves that may have been compressed. To enhance rapid healing, the spinal decompression technology further contributes to an increase in the flow of oxygen, water, and nutrient-rich fluid.

To experience significant relief, receiving spinal decompression therapy only at a chiropractor’s clinic is not enough. You must also adhere to certain procedures at home, especially while you sleep. The following are some techniques that can help you relax your spine while you sleep.

  1. FLEXED HIP POSITION – To perform this exercise, you must first lie on your bed with your hips bent at a 30-degree angle. You will then need to bend your knees at a 30-degree angle once more. When you flex your neck to elongate your spine, this will enable your body to maintain its balance. You can also sleep with a pillow between your knees to keep your hips parallel.
  2. FACE-UP POSTURE – You must lie completely straight on your bed. The ceiling should be the focus of your attention. Now, place a 30°-angled pillow directly below your knees. In addition to making your spine longer, this will help it relax. You could also keep a pillow under your neck to keep it in a neutral position and support it.
  3. SLEEPING IN AN INCLINED BACK POSITION – You can attempt to sleep in an inclined position by using a pillow with an indentation or a movable base between your legs and torso.
  4. STOMACH SLEEPING WITH HIP SUPPORT – Doctors around the world strongly advise against sleeping on your stomach because it makes your back hurt more. However, putting a pillow under one’s stomach can be a good place to start for some people who sleep on their stomachs all the time. The additional support alleviates pressure on your lumbar spine and prevents an unnatural curvature of your back. To prevent further pain, avoid placing any pillow underneath your neck if at all possible.
  5. CHOOSING THE RIGHT PILLOWS AND MATTRESS – It is an additional crucial aspect of decompressing your spine. The length of the spine is greatly influenced by the quality of the pillow. Memory foam is one of the best materials, and it keeps working out well for a long time. Memory foam pillows are extremely comfortable because they naturally conform to the shape of your spine. Always go with the mattress that gives you the most support for your back when choosing a mattress. If the mattress you bought is still unsteady in some way, you can make it firmer by putting a piece of plywood that is one inch wide between the mattress and the spring. You can lengthen your spine naturally by sleeping on a firm mattress every night.

Be cautious!

  • Never sleep on a water bed because it is so soft that it makes it easier for your spine to curve in any direction than a firm mattress would.
  • Sleeping on your stomach with no support is not recommended. Your spine will shorten as a result, causing severe back pain. Because of some compressed nerves, it may also result in numbness in the limbs.

Yes, in many cases, the bulging disc symptoms go away after a period of time.

MRI is the best diagnostic test to detect herniated & bulging discs.

Massage can provide short-term relief from chronic back pain caused by a bulging disc.


Spondylosis vs. spondylitis vs. Spondylolisthesis – Will spinal decompression work?

It’s not as hard as you might think. The therapists at ANSSI can assist you if you are curious or have been diagnosed with one of these conditions! What do these terms imply? Every condition begins with the prefix “spondy.” It refers to the spinal column or vertebrae. Something is wrong with your spine if any of these conditions were observed. However, these conditions can be treated conservatively, so don’t worry!
First, let’s examine the difference between three “spondy” conditions:


It relates to a stress fracture defect in the pars interarticularis of the vertebrae, which is typically located in the L4/L5 region. This is typically brought on by strenuous activities that require excessive twisting, rotation, or back bending, which result in repetitive stress or trauma to the lumbar spine (for example – football, dancing, gymnastics, and wrestling.) Initial symptoms may or may not be present; however, as the injury progresses, these individuals may complain of pain when they bend backward or when performing general activities.


It usually means how a spondylosis injury progresses, but can also refer to something that happens at birth or is idiopathic. There will be a displacement of one vertebra over the vertebral body below it at the L5/S1 level, also known as a “step off” or “slip”. People may even be able to see a bump in the area where the slippage is occurring. The degree to which the vertebral body has slipped defines each of the five grades of this slippage:
  • Grade 1: O-25%
  • Grade 2: 25 to 50%
  • Grade 3: 50-75%
  • Grade 4: 75-100%
  • Grade 5: > 100%

People with this condition may experience intermittent, localized pain during bending forward or backward at the affected area. As the vertebrae slide, it causes compression of the nerve root below, radicular pain down one or both legs, tense hamstrings, rare loss of bowel/bladder, and difficulty with walking or standing.

Treatment for “spondy”

Your doctor will look at your posture, range of motion, and overall health during a physical examination. They will also test your reflexes and feel your spine for muscle spasms and abnormal curves. Most of the time, conservative measures are taken to treat this condition. Medication for pain and inflammation may be beneficial. Additionally, consulting a physical therapist can assist with pain reduction and mobility enhancement. Stabilizing the area with a brace may also be helpful.
Steroid injections into the epidural space can also provide some relief. This combination of steroids and painkillers is injected into the affected area by your doctor to reduce discomfort and inflammation.

Surgery may be your last option if you are in severe pain or have not responded to conservative treatments. However, before undergoing surgery, why not try nonsurgical spinal decompression instead?

Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression

Nonsurgical spinal decompression can help alleviate pressure on the affected area and provide much-needed stabilization if the above-listed conservative treatments fail. All you have to do is lie down on a special table. A machine that gently stretches the spine and relieves pressure on the discs, joints, and connective tissues will be connected to the patient. The machine controls the level of tension, which our chiropractor sets to a predetermined level.

If your “spondy” pain is caused by problems with the spinal column and the structures that are connected to it, you should get the best treatment at every stage. After all, your daily functioning depends on the health of your spine and spinal cord. It’s best to go with reputed doctors who have treated spinal disorders for a long time.

ANSSI Wellness is willing to assist by providing non-surgical spinal decompression technology. We have your back. You can relax knowing that our team has been treating a variety of spine conditions successfully for years.

Don’t let problems with your “spondy” stop you from doing what you love! Contact us to set up a consultation and begin working with our medical professionals who care.

Yes, in many cases, the bulging disc symptoms go away after a period of time.

MRI is the best diagnostic test to detect herniated & bulging discs.

Massage can provide short-term relief from chronic back pain caused by a bulging disc.


Does Spinal Decompression Technology Help in Getting Relief from Spinal Stenosis?

Even though spinal stenosis-related back pain is something that many of your friends and family talk about frequently, this does not mean that you should have to live with it. In point of fact, living with back pain can lower your quality of life and prevent you from engaging in activities you used to enjoy. Pain medications, physical therapy, and steroid treatment are options you might consider, but they typically only provide temporary relief and do not address the underlying cause of your back pain. In addition, there is a possibility of adverse effects if steroids and medications are chosen. The pain caused by spinal stenosis can be effectively treated with this non-surgical technology for spinal decompression. Continue reading to learn how.

Spinal decompression: What Is It?

A treatment called spinal decompression technology alleviates your pain for life by gently stretching your spine and relieving the pressure on your spine. Back pain from injuries like herniated discs, sciatica, and spinal stenosis are commonly treated with spinal decompression. Spinal decompression can be divided into two categories: both surgical and non-surgical spinal decompression. Non-surgical spinal decompression is a treatment option that doesn’t hurt and can sometimes help you get rid of your back pain right away. Your doctor will control the motorized traction used in this non-invasive treatment option, which does not involve any injections or medications. The spinal decompression table has straps that wrap around your body and are connected to a computer to keep you safe. Then, the table moves in ways that let you change where your spine is, which also changes how much pressure and force your spine naturally gets. In contrast to other conventional treatments, spinal decompression technology addresses the underlying cause of stenosis.

Spinal Stenosis: What Is It?

In spinal stenosis, the spaces around the spine and between the vertebrae begin to narrow. This condition is most prevalent in the lower back, lumbar stenosis, or cervical stenosis, in the neck. Painful symptoms can result from spinal stenosis putting pressure on nearby nerves. When nearby nerves are affected, spinal stenosis at the neck or lower back can cause tingling, numbness, and weakness. Osteoarthritis and body wear and tear are two of the most common causes of spinal stenosis. Whether caused by bone overgrowth, herniated discs, or other spinal injuries, the condition begins when the open space in the spine begins to narrow. Since body wear and tear can begin to add up with time, people over the age of 50 are more likely to develop spinal stenosis. To diagnose spinal stenosis, your doctor will typically conduct a physical exam and may also use diagnostic imaging procedures like X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans.

What Are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression for Spinal Stenosis?

It is possible for your spine and nearby nerves to experience excessive pressure when the space between your vertebrae begins to narrow or become compressed. By allowing for more space and gentle stretching, spinal decompression relieves pressure on the spine and nerves. The lower back condition known as lumbar stenosis, also known as spinal stenosis, can make it uncomfortable or even difficult to stand up, walk, or even sit down. The tension that is causing you so much pain around your spine and nerves can be alleviated with non-surgical spinal decompression technology.

When the spine gets narrow, it can be harder and harder for nutrients and water to get to these spinal nerves and discs, which can make your pain worse. Spinal decompression technology can help your spine and nerves function at their best by creating a healthier environment. Non-surgical spinal decompression can help promote healing by removing barriers that may have been preventing healthy nutrients from reaching the affected area. This can help relieve pressure on your spine caused by the narrowing space.


Visit ANSSI Wellness in Maharashtra for spinal decompression technology that will provide you with long-term relief from pain out of spinal stenosis. You can find out if spinal decompression is right for you by scheduling an appointment with us right now!

For more information about the benefits of non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, contact ANSSI Wellness at +91 9004726844 or +91 9920936844.

Yes, in many cases, the bulging disc symptoms go away after a period of time.

MRI is the best diagnostic test to detect herniated & bulging discs.

Massage can provide short-term relief from chronic back pain caused by a bulging disc.

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